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A Seminar On Cardiology Ailments- February 9, 2020

A well-attended gathering of members and guests participated in the seminar on cardiovascular diseases sponsored by the local SPS HOSPITALS with Dr. Ravinder Singh Kuka as the keynote speaker. The venue was our Day Care Centre.

Dr. Kuka gave a beautiful presentation of the working of our heart and how we can keep it healthy with a little bit of care about our lifestyle, healthy food habits, daily morning walk and be consistent on these parameters. He warned the inherent risks of living a sedentary lifestyle because of which heart patients are found at a very young age now. the hospital administration had deputed the diagnostic staff also to check up the blood pressure and blood sugar level of all the participants. Sh. G L Arora, president of the NGO, gave a brief introduction to the speaker at the beginning of the session. Sh. Ashok Pahwa, Gen. Secy. , gave emphasis on the yoga practice for a healthy body and mind. Raja Narinder Singh presented the vote of thanks. The lunch was served and enjoyed by everyone.

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